S119 - GSC Technical Corrections 2015, Sec. 91.4.(a)-(b): Expansion of Pilot Study on Use of Electronic Supervision Devices at Facilities for Children and Adolescents Who Have Primary Diagnosis of Mental Illness (SL 2015-264)

Session Year 2015

Overview: Secs. 91.4.(a) and (b) of S.L. 2015-264 expand the pilot program established by the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Service Regulation to study the use of electronic supervision devices as an alternative means of supervision during sleep hours at facilities for children and adolescents who have a primary diagnosis of mental illness and/or emotional disturbance to residential treatment staff secure facilities that are currently owned or operated with the facility currently authorized to waive the requirements, rules, or regulations setting minimum overnight staffing requirements.

These sections became effective October 1, 2015, and expire on June 30, 2016.

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