S232 - Repeal Death Invest Conf/Masks/Health&Safety. (SL 2020-93)

Session Year 2020

Overview: Section 1 of S.L. 2020-93 would have repealed language in another bill (Sec. 2.5 of SB 168) pertaining to the establishment of confidentiality for certain death investigation information but the language was not enacted so no repeal was necessary. Sections 2 and 3 of the act amend language pertaining to masks and hoods for the protection of health. Section 2 of the act amends Section 4.3(b) of S.L. 2020-3 by removing the August 1, 2020 expiration date on language pertaining to masks and hoods worn for the protection of health. Section 3 of the act amends G.S. 14-12.11, as amended by Section 4.3 of S.L. 2020-3, to clarify language pertaining to wearing masks and hoods for the protection of health.

This act became effective July 10, 2020.

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