S286 - Regulate the Sale of E-Liquid Containers (SL 2015-141)

Session Year 2015

Overview: S.L. 2015-141 creates a new statute to: (i) make it unlawful to sell e-liquid containers without child-resistant packaging; (ii) prohibit the sale of an e-liquid product containing nicotine unless the packaging states that the product contains nicotine; (iii) provide that violation of each of the foregoing prohibitions is a Class A1 misdemeanor; (iv) and provide that any person, firm, or corporation would be liable for damages as a result of selling e-liquid containers without child-resistant packaging and any required labeling. The new statute defines the following terms: 'child-resistant packaging;' 'e-liquid;' 'e-liquid container;' and 'vapor product.'

This act became effective December 1, 2015, and applies to offenses committed on or after that date.

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