H97 - 2015 Appropriations Act, Sec. 29.17: Use of Funds for Pavement Preservation Program (SL 2015-241)

Session Year 2015

Overview: Section 29.17 of S.L. 2015-241 does the following:

  • Amends the statutes that govern the pavement preservation program to (i) include asphalt crack sealing as an activity or treatment eligible for funding under program and (ii) direct the Department of Transportation (DOT) to spend or encumber all funds appropriated by the General Assembly to the Department for the program by June 30 of the fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated.
  • Repeals the requirement that DOT treat a minimum amount of lane miles with eligible pavement preservation treatments and activities.
  • Effective September 18, 2015, and applying to reports submitted on or after that date, decreases the threshold for when DOT must explain unit cost variance from 20% to 10%.

Except as otherwise provided, this section became effective July 1, 2015.

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