H765 - Regulatory Reform Act of 2015, Sec. 3.12: Amend Underground Damage Prevention Review Board, Enforcement, and Civil Penalties (SL 2015-286)

Session Year 2015

Overview: Sec. 3.12 of S.L. 2015-286 amends the statute establishing the Underground Damage Prevention Review Board (Board). The Board is charged with reviewing reports of alleged violations of the Underground Utility Safety Act (Act) and recommending penalties for violation of the Act. This section makes a number of clarifying changes to the Board's statute, including provisions for length of Board member terms, how vacancies are filled and members are removed, what constitutes a quorum, how the Chair of the Board is appointed, and the process for how the Board recommends actions or penalties when violations of the Act occur.

This section became effective October 22, 2015.

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