H44 - Local Government Regulatory Reform 2015, Sec. 5: Permit Choice (SL 2015-246)

Session Year 2015

Overview: Currently under G.S. 143-755, if a permit applicant submits a permit for any type of development, and a rule or ordinance changes between the time the application was submitted and the time the decision on the application is made, the applicant may choose which version of the rule or ordinance will apply to the permit. This provision applies to all development permits issued by the State and by local governments, except zoning permits. Sec. 5 of S.L. 2015-246 amends G.S. 143-755 to apply to zoning permits as well.

This section became effective September 23, 2015, and applies to permits for which a permit decision has not been made by that date.

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