Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for SB 51 - Even-Year Elect Craven Local Gov'ts.

2021-2022 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
S51-SMCG-12(e2)-v-2 Even-Year Elect/Trent Woods & River Bend. 04/12/2021
S51-SMCH-12(e1)-v-6 Even-Year Elections/Town of Trent Woods. 03/31/2021
S51-SMCH-58(CSST-5)-v-3 Even-Year Elect Craven Local Gov'ts. 06/09/2021
S51-SMCH-61(e3)-v-2 Even-Year Elect Craven Local Gov'ts. 06/09/2021
S51-SMCH-62(e3)-v-2 Even-Year Elect Craven Local Gov'ts. 06/10/2021