Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for HB 465 - Women and Children's Protection Act of 2015.

2015-2016 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
H465-SMTA-58(sl) Women and Children's Protection Act of 2015 12/14/2015
H465-SMTG-87(CSMC-10)-v12 Women and Children's Protection Act of 2015. 05/27/2015
H465-SMTG-95(e3) Women and Children's Protection Act of 2015 05/28/2015
H465-SMTH-81(e4) Women and Children's Protection Act of 2015 06/02/2015
H465-SMTJ-140(sl) Women and Children's Protection Act of 2015 12/14/2015
H465-SMTK-45(CSTK-29) 72hrs Informed Consent By Person or Phone. 04/22/2015
H465-SMTK-52(e2) 72 Hours Informed Consent by Person or Phone 04/22/2015