SESSION LAW 2009-477
AN ACT to require notice be given prior to assessing a late filing fee for lobbyists and lobbyist PRINCIPALS, AND TO PROHIBIT LOBBYISTS FROM SERVING ON THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE HEALTH COORDINATING COUNCIL.
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
SECTION 1. G.S. 120C-401(e) reads as rewritten:
When any report as required by this Article is not filed, the Secretary of
State shall send a certified or registered letter letter, return
receipt requested, advising the lobbyist, lobbyist principal, or other
person required to report of the delinquency and the penalties provided by law.
A late filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) per day, commencing on the tenth
business day after the date the certified letter is received, applies to a
report that is not timely filed. The cumulative late filing fee may not exceed
five hundred dollars ($500.00). Within 20 days of the receipt of the
letter, the report shall be delivered or posted by United States mail to the
Secretary of State together with a the late filing fee in an
amount equal to the late filing fee under G.S. 163-278.34(a)(2).fee.
Filing of the required report and payment of the additional fee within the time
extended shall constitute compliance with this section."
SECTION 2. Article 9 of Chapter 131E of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new section to read:
"§ 131E-191.1. Lobbyists prohibited from serving on the North Carolina State Health Coordinating Council.
No person registered as a lobbyist under Chapter 120C of the General Statutes shall be appointed to or serve on the North Carolina State Health Coordinating Council. No person previously registered as a lobbyist under Chapter 120C of the General Statutes shall be appointed to or serve on the North Carolina State Health Coordinating Council within 120 days after the expiration of the lobbyist's registration."
SECTION 3. Section 1 of this act becomes effective October 1, 2009. The remainder of this act is effective when it becomes law.
In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 11th day of August, 2009.
s/ Walter H. Dalton
President of the Senate
s/ Joe Hackney
Speaker of the House of Representatives
s/ Beverly E. Perdue
Approved 1:16 p.m. this 26th day of August, 2009